by andrew | Feb 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
This is a question that crops up a lot in our office. Here I will describe the variety of positions and their pros and cons. Side Sleeping This is the most common position While in this position, most people find that their breathing is unobstructed (less snoring!)...
by andrew | Feb 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Chiropractic skeptics often pooh-pooh the idea of periodic chiropractic checkups after symptoms subside with the classic, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” line. This justification often results in a relapse into the original problem for countless patients. How come?...
by andrew | Sep 24, 2018 | Chiropractic
Just back from a weekend of yoga, meditation and super nutritious organic food at the Avondale Retreat Centre in the heart of Wicklow. The wonderful Veronica Larsson took us through a series of exercises, meditations and postures to assist the body in restoration and...
by andrew | Sep 18, 2018 | Chiropractic, tips
Please see special offer for our readers at bottom of page I have had a number of people come into my practice this month who mentioned their children complaining of back pain. In three out of four of these children, I found spinal joint dysfunction and...
by andrew | Aug 24, 2018 | Research Update
My first introduction to chiropractic back in 1995 was because of a disc injury. Towards the end of my rugby playing years I developed sciatica, a painful condition in which the long nerve originating in the lower back gets compressed. sciatica is an inflammation of...