Innate Intelligence

Just back from a weekend of yoga, meditation and super nutritious organic food at the Avondale Retreat Centre in the heart of Wicklow. The wonderful Veronica Larsson took us through a series of exercises, meditations and postures to assist the body in restoration and...

Backpack Safety

  Please see special offer for our readers at bottom of page   I have had a number of people come into my practice this month who mentioned their children complaining of back pain. In three out of four of these children, I found spinal joint dysfunction and...

Can Chiropractic Help Me?

LOOK FAMILIAR ?   You are not alone… More and more of us here in Ireland are looking for natural approaches when it comes to managing our health. There have been huge advances in science and medicine when it comes to the treatment of diseases and managing...


As we age, the wear and tear on the spongy cartilage of our spine causes it to become thinner. Since the cartilage is necessary to keep the bones of the spine from rubbing together, the loss of cartilage can be very troublesome for spinal health. Chiropractic...

Before Seeking Treatment for Sciatica Read This

Read This Before You Seek Treatment for Sciatica Sciatica is the medical term for leg pain, tingling or weakness due to irritation or compression of nerves originating in the lower back. It is not a diagnosis, but rather a description of symptoms. A healthcare...