My first introduction to chiropractic back in 1995 was because of a disc injury. Towards the end of my rugby playing years I developed sciatica, a painful condition in which the long nerve originating in the lower back gets compressed.
sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in your body. The sciatic nerve is formed from the Lumbar 4 (L4) to Sacral 3 (S3) segments of the spinal nerves as they exit the vertebrae at the same levels.
It provides motor innervation and sensation to part of the muscles along the lower lumbar vertebrae and the muscles of your hip and pelvis, to the muscles in your thigh esp. the hamstrings the back of your knee and lower leg and the sole of your foot.
Disc disease is one of the most common causes of back pain
Examples of disc disease would be disc bulge or disc herniation. Symptoms can include pain (sometimes shooting pain), tingling, numbness and weakness of the leg and foot. Pain can be continuous and may be aggravated by certain movements such as bending, twisting and lifting.
A prospective randomized study in 2010 showed 60% of patients with sciatica showed similar improvements under chiropractic care as those who underwent surgical intervention. The remaining 40% subsequently had excellent surgical outcome. This is strong evidence that people with lumbar disc herniation who don’t respond to medical management would be wise to consider chiropractic care before surgery.
Chiropractors are well trained in radiology and spinal biomechanics. A huge chunk of our 5 years in full time university is spend reading x-rays, MRI’s, conducting thorough physical exam and formulating a management plan that suits the individual.
The care you receive at Stillorgan Chiropractic will include
- Corrective adjustments for alignment or structural imbalance
- Soft tissue treatment (dry needling, trigger point, massage, stretching, etc.)
- Rehabilitative Exercises
- Education on pain management/nutritional aids/ergonomics
- Assessment of gait/posture and foot orthotics provided when necessary
- Injury and Relapse prevention
Referral for xray & MRI or medical co-management when necessary
Call 012055550 to make an appointment or
click HERE to book online